Make a donation
You can make an impact. Each contribution makes a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities and our community as a whole.
There are also other ways to donate down below.
One time
Comment (optional)

LEO is a non-profit corporation. With every donation you will receive a receipt of your donation for tax deductions as well as our heartfelt thanks.
UBI - #601-199-914
Federal ID (EIN) - #91-1458330
State Charities Program - #9040
For verification of this registration, call the Washington State Charites Hotline at
1-800-332-GIVE or go online and visit the Washington Secretary of State’s Charities Website. To view our most recent IRS Form 990, search EIN: 91-1458330 on the IRS Exempt Organization Search.
Other Ways to Donate
Mail a check or money order to:
Life Enrichment Options
P. O. Box 117, Issaquah WA 98027
Venmo us at @Life-Enrichment
Designate LEO when giving to:
United Way
Washington State Combined Fund
PayPal us at info@lifeenrichmentoptions.org
Earn as you shop or search. Some retailers donate a percentage of the purchase price to the nonprofit that you select at no cost to you. See these programs:
Adopt LEO as your cause, then shop using GoodShop or search using GoodSearch.
Consider donating to LEO in your will. Call or email us to have a talk.
Donate your used vehicle, regardless of condition, by calling 1-855-527-2232.